We had our first house and garden tour on Saturday and all went well. It did rain but not until after the garden tour part was over. I was happy to have lots of lilacs to pick for bouquets.

A sink full of lilacs ready to be made into bouquets.

The lupins that grow along our roadsides are starting to bloom-they look good in a bouquet also.

Pretty colored lupins.

The visitors from Japan touring the garden cottage.

There are not as many perennials blooming right now as there will be in a week or two but they did enjoy the apple blossoms and lilacs etc.

I served blueberry coffee cake and chocolate carrot cake with tea. Sorry no photos of the food as it was busy and no leftover coffee cake but some choc carrot cake for me!

They quickly made some lovely origami gifts for our grandchildren.

You can see the tulips and daffodils are gone from Martha's garden and it has filled in but the deutzia shrubs will bloom soon.

We have a few people coming for lunch tomorrow so I am hoping for a nice day-we got so much rain on the weekend but I am not complaining because I see some of you have had severe weather.

Take care,


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